Races & Training

This page will bring you training and racing tips. Upcoming races and reports of events.


2024 Club Race Calendar below.

(Updated 16/05/2024)


(**Calendar subject to change, check BrisSUP Facebook for event details). Full calendar of club social, races and events run by other organisations on our Home Page.

The BrisSUP Race Series each year features two forms of racing: Distance and BOP. During the year there are 3 or 4 distance and 3 or 4 BOPs with the results from each race added up towards end-of-year club champions medal presentations. While we have some serious racers battling it out, members of all abilities and fitness levels are encouraged to give it a go. Challenge yourself for a PB!

The BOP - Battle of the Paddle. The BOP takes the form of a short course race where paddlers battle it out around a short course of 4-5 buoys. These are also known as Technical races, because they require skill and balance to do the tight turns aroudn the buoys, especially when many paddlers are turning together. There are usually three races in each BOP event (separate male and female). 

Distance races - The club distance races usually offer a long course of 6-8km and a shorter course of 3-4km to cater for all our members. All race courses are dependent on the tides, wind and weather conditions onthe day.

Races with other clubs and associations

The Triseries

The Triseries consists of three races. Points are awarded for places in each race and at the final race of the year the Triseries champons are awarded.

  • The Clearwater Classic at Elliott Heads (Bundaberg) organised by the 4670 SUP Club. A flatware river race (usually in August)
  • Race the Bay at Moolooaba organised by the Sunshice Coast SUP Club. A challenging ocean race.
  • The Coochie Classic organised by BrisSUP (october). Course takes you round Coochiemudlo Island at Victoria Point.


COOCHIE CLASSIC 27 November 2022

Final results now available on Webscorer



Photo acknowledgement to Garry Pearce